MCOT held online meeting according to the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meetings B.E. 2563 (2020) and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society’s Announcement on Security of Electronic Meetings B.E. 2563 (2020) to provide shareholders with adequate and appropriate convenience on the meeting date. Shareholders can register through Quidlab E-Meeting & Voting System by Quidlab Co., Ltd., at least 3 hours and the registration continues until the meeting adjourns.
Before the meeting, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall assign the moderator to notify the shareholders how ballots are cast and counted as clearly indicated in the Articles of Association of MCOT Plc. The Company uses Quidlab E-meeting & Voting System for vote counting and result presentation technology provided by Quidlab Co., Ltd., which has an expertise and experience in this area. The system counts the shareholders’ votes in the meeting and the votes cast in advance on every agenda, either approval, disapproval or abstention. To protect the rights of shareholders, balloting for each agenda item is separately arranged.
The Chairman shall allocate sufficient time for the meeting and conduct it appropriately and transparently in accordance with the order of agenda items notified in the notice to the meeting. No agenda items shall be added without prior notice to all shareholders. During the meeting, the shareholders are allowed to share opinions and raise queries universally and appropriately. The Company’s directors or executives shall clarify and answer all queries precisely before voting and passing the resolution of each agenda item. The shareholders arriving at the meeting late are entitled to vote or cast their votes on the agenda items being considered provided that the resolution is not yet made.
In the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of MCOT Plc. held on April 30, 2021 at Auditorium, 6th Fl., Television and Radio Operation Building, MCOT Plc., Huaykwang, Bangkok, there were 10 Directors of MCOT Plc. present at the meeting, representing 100 percent of the total Directors in office. The Directors holding position in specific committees, especially the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Chairman of the Nomination Committee as well as top executives and the Company’s Auditor, attended the meeting to explain issues relating to meeting agenda items and to answer the shareholders’ queries. Each director of MCOT Plc. Is normally aware of practice guideline in case that he/she is a stakeholder or has a conflict of interest in any agenda item which sets out that he/she must inform the meeting of such and request to stay outside the meeting.