Mr. Sutichai  Cheunchoosil

Mr. Sutichai Cheunchoosil

Position in MCOT Plc.
  • Independent Director
  • Chairman of The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee
  • Member of the Risk Management Committee
  • Member of The Executive Committee (ExCom)
Education Background
  • Master Degree Political Science, Thammasat University
  • Bachelor's degree Accounting-Finance, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
Present Position
Board member / Management in Listed Company - The Stock Exchange of Thailand


Board member / Management in Non - Listed Company - The Stock Exchange of Thailand


Work Experience (Five years’ Past Experience 2019-2023)
  • Present Honorary Advisor and Sub Committee to ICT Senate Group.
  • 2017 - 2020 Senior Vice President –Corporate Sale, Advance Wireless Network Co., Ltd
Certifications, Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)

Director Certification Program Class 113/2553

Others Training
  • National Defense College National Defense Institute Class 52
  • Naval War College , The Royal Thai Navy Class 36
Specific Knowledge or Expertise
  • Telecommunication Industrial, Sale and Marketing, Business Development
Shareholding status


Background of illegal conduct during the past 10 years
