Miss Sutisa  Prathumkul

Miss Sutisa Prathumkul

Position in MCOT Plc.
  • Independent Director
  • Member of The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee
  • Member of The Executive Committee (ExCom)
Education Background
  • Master of Communication Arts (M.com>Arts) at Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Bachelor of Education (Audiovisual Studies) Ramkhamhaeng Universituy
Present Position
Board member / Management in Listed Company - The Stock Exchange of Thailand


Board member / Management in Non - Listed Company - The Stock Exchange of Thailand
  • Board of Director, Port Authority of Thailand
  • Managing Director at VIN Capita Co.Ltd.
Work Experience (Five years’ Past Experience 2019-2023)
  • September 2023 - November 2023 Political Officials,...The Secretariat of the Cabinet.
  • 2022 - 2023 The Election.Campaign .Working..Group. and Pheu Thai. Party. Field..Visits
  • 2018 - 2019 The committee.for selecting..MP.candidates.for the Thai Raksa Chart. Party
  • 2017 - 2018 Advisors and Experts SC Office Plaza Co.Ltd.
Certifications, Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)


Others Training
  • English language Intensive Course at Ozford English Language Center Australia
Specific Knowledge or Expertise
  • Communication strategy, public relations strategy
Shareholding status


Background of illegal conduct during the past 10 years
