Mr. Chatchai  Thnarudee

Mr. Chatchai Thnarudee

Position in MCOT Plc.
  • Independent Director
  • Member of Remuneration Committee
  • Member of the Risk Management Committee
  • Member of The Executive Committee (ExCom)
Education Background
  • Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. in Strategic Management and Strategy) University of Canterbury, New Zealand
  • Master Degree (MBA - Management) Kasetsart University
  • Master Degree (Computer Engineering) King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
  • Bachelor Degree (Computer Engineering) King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Present Position
Board member / Management in Listed Company - The Stock Exchange of Thailand
  • Independent Board of Directors, Member of Audit Committee and Member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee, The Klinique Medical Clinic Public Company Limited
Board member / Management in Non - Listed Company - The Stock Exchange of Thailand
  • Board of Directors, Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization) (DGA)
  • Member of the Audit Committee, Jaspal Public Company Limited
  • Board of Directors, Center of InsurTech, Thailand, Office of Insurance Commission
  • Board of Directors, Jaymart Insurance Public Company Limited
  • Chief Executive Officer and Director, Thanager & Co Company Limited
  • Advisor, Business Development, Marketing and Innovation,Central Laboratory (Thailand) Co.,Ltd
Work Experience (Five years’ Past Experience 2019-2023)
  • Board of Directors and Member of the Audit Committee, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand
  • Board of Directors, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University
  • Chief Executive Officer, Jaymart Insurance Public Company Limited
  • Country Chief Information Officer and Head of IT , Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production Limited
  • Vice President and Executive Committee, New Zealand-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Certifications, Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)
  • Director Certification Program Class 312/2021
Others Training
  • Corporate Governance for Directors and Senior Executives of Regulators, State Enterprises and Public Organizations (PDI) Class 25 King Prajadhipok's Institute
  • Top Executive Program in Commerce and Trade (TEPCoT) Class 15
  • Advanced Insurance Leadership Program (Office of Insurance Commission) Class 8
  • King Prajadhipok's Institute (KPI)'s Promoting a Peaceful Society Program Class 11
  • INSEAD Leadership Development Program
  • CIO Executive Council: Pathways Leadership Development Program in Strategic Leader
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan: Leadership Development Program
Specific Knowledge or Expertise
  • business ,administration , telecommunications and technology, and organization management

* Listed in Directors' Pool in the field of Business Administration, Information Technology, Organizational management

Shareholding status


Background of illegal conduct during the past 10 years
