27 April 2005

Resolutions of AGM No.2/2005

Ref: MCOT 6104(1)/ 1159 26 April 2005 The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attn: The President Re: Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 2/2005of MCOT Public Company Limited Dear Sir: We MCOT Public Company Limited have organised the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No.2/2005 on April 26 2005 at the Studio 5 MCOT Broadcasting Operations Building 63/1 Rama IX Road Huay Kwang Subdistrict Huay Kwang District Bangkok 10310. The Meeting was convened to consider the following agenda: 1.The Meeting certified the minutes of previous Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2005 held on 14 January 2005. 2.The Meeting acknowledged the Company s operating results in 2004 (the period between 1 October and 31 December 2004). 3.The Meeting considered and unanimously resolved to approve the Company s balance sheet and the statement of profit and loss for the period ended 31 December 2004. 4.The Meeting considered and unanimously resolved to approve the appropriation of the Company s annual net profit to legal reserve and the payment of dividends as stated below. 1.The allocation of five(5) percent of the Company s net profit equivalent to Baht 7,927,433, to legal reserve. 2.The payment of a Baht 0.09-per-share dividend to shareholders to be made on 12 May 2005. 5.The Meeting acknowledged the resignation by rotation and the re-appointment of the following directors for another term. 1.Pol.Gen.Somchai Prabhasabhakdi 2.Mr.Prakit Prachonpachanu 3.Mrs.Prisna Pongtadsirikul 4.Mr.Somkiat Wanthana 6.The Meeting considered and unanimously resolved to approve the determination of remunerations of the Board of Directors as proposed by the Compensation Committee. The details of the approved remunerations are as follows: 6.1 Bonus of the Company s directors between 17 August-30 September 2004 is Baht 11,500 per person. The Chairman will receive a 25-percent additional bonus. 6.2 Bonus of the Company s directors between 1 October-31 December 2004 The Chairman will receive a 25 percent additional bonus. 6.3 Remunerations and Meeting allowances (Baht per person) Monthly remunerations+Monthly meetingallowances (Only when attending) The Auditing Committee 10,000 5,000 The Nomination Committee - 10,000 The Compensation Committee - 10,000 The Corporate Relations - 10,000 Committee Other subcommittees - 10,000 (Only one payment is allowed regardless of number of the subcommittee meetings in the same month) The Chairman and Vice Chairman will receive 25-percent and 12.5 percent additional meeting allowances respectively 7.The Meeting acknowledged the appointment of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) as the Company s auditor and the determination of Baht 1.5 million audit fee for the year 2005. 8.The Meeting acknowledged the registration of the amendment to Article 14 of the Company s Articles of Association at Business Development Department Ministry of Commerce on 4 February 2005. Sincerely yours, (Mr. Thanachai Wongthongsri) Chief Corporate Law Department MCOT Public Company Limited