01 February 2008

Form F 24-3

F 24-3 Form for Report on Names of Members and Scope of Performance of the Audit Committee The board of directors meeting of MCOT Plc. No.19/2007 held on 18 December 2007 passed resolutions appointing Chairman of the Audit Committee / Member of the Audit Committee / 1. Names of members of the Audit Committee are as follows : Remaining terms Of holding office 1. Chairman of the Audit Committee Mr.Wittayatorn Tokeaw, 2 year (s) 2. Member of the Audit Committee Mrs.Wilasinee Adulyanont, 2 year (s) 3. Member of the Audit Committee Mr.Sahas Treetipbut, 2 year (s) Secretary of the Audit Committee Mr. Chongrak Nigomsak Certificates and Resumes of 3 members of the Audit Committee are attached hereto. 2. The Audit Committee of the Company has the scope of duties and responsibilities, and shall report to the board of directors on: (1) To review that the Company's financial statements are correct and sufficient. (2) To review that the Company's internal control system and internal audit system are sufficient and effective. (3) To review that the Company's operation conform to the securities and exchange's rules and regulations or any other laws relating to the Company's business. (4) To review, select, propose for approval, and propose the remuneration of the Company's Auditor. (5) To provide opinions for the appointment, transfer, and promotion of the Vice President of the Office of Internal Audit. (6) To review the accuracy and sufficiency of information disclosure relating to connected transactions or transactions with potential conflict of interest. (7) To prepare the corporate governance report of the Audit Committee to be disclosed in the Company's annual report; such corporate governance report must be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. (8) To perform any other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors with approval from the Audit Committee. (9) To perform any other duties as stipulated in the Company's Articles of Association. _________________________ (Mr. Charnchai Soontharamut) Chairman of the Audit Committee _________________________ (Mr. Wasan Paileeklee) Board of Director