26 March 2010
the name of additional Director retiring by rotation
MCOT Public Company Limited
63/1 Rama IX Road, Huaykwang
Bangkok 10310 Thailand
Phone +66 (0) 2201 6000
Fax +66 (0) 2245 1435
E-mail Contact@mcot.net
Ref: MCOT/ 6153/1028
March 25, 2010
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Attn: The President
Re: Notification on the name of additional Director retiring by
rotation and the determination of remuneration and
meeting allowances of Directors for the year 2010
Dear Madam,
We, MCOT Public Company Limited, have organized the Board of
Directors' Meeting No. 4/2010 on March 25, 2010 at 13.30 hrs.
at the Meeting Room, 6th Floor, MCOT Administration Building,
63/1 Rama IX Road, Huay Kwang Sub-District, Huay Kwang District,
Bangkok 10310. The Board of Directors resolved to assign
the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to select a qualified
nominee to be appointed as Director to replace one additional
Director retiring by rotation to make a total number of 4 Directors
retiring by rotation or one-third of the total number of 13 Directors.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee's Meeting, No. 3/2010
on March 25, 2010, at 18.00 hrs. resolved as follows:
1. Approved to propose Mr. Nathi Premrasmi to the 2010
Annual General Shareholders' Meeting to consider his
appointment as Director.
Therefore, the name list of nominees for Directors approved by
the Board of Directors to be proposed to the 2010 Annual General
Shareholders' Meeting is as follows:
1) Mr. Jaturong Panyadilok
2) Mr. Wittayatorn Tokaew
3) Mr. Somboon Muangklam
4) Mr. Nathi Premrasmi
2. Approved the determination of the Directors' remuneration
and monthly allowances for the year 2010 and bonus for
the year 2009 to be proposed to the Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders, the details of which are as follows:
2.1 Directors' remuneration and monthly allowances for
the year 2010
Committees /Sub- Remuneration
(presence in
committees (Monthly)
the meetings
1. The Board of Directors 10,000 Baht 15,000 Baht/
(If appointed during any (Chairman Month
period of a month, the receives
calculation of 30,000 Baht/
remuneration shall be month)
proportional to the length
of their appointment in
such month.)
2. The Audit Committee 10,000 Baht 5,000 Baht/
3. The Nomination - 10,000 Baht/
Committee Month
Committees /Sub- Remuneration
(presence in
committees (Monthly)
the meetings
4. The Remuneration - 10,000 Baht/
Committee Month
5. The Corporate - 10,000 Baht/
Governance Committee Month
6. The Risk Management - 10,000 Baht/
Committee Month
7. The Corporate - 10,000 Baht/
Relations Month
8. Sub-committees and 10,000 Baht
Working Groups Other /month
than No.1-7 (Only -
Directors appointed by
Board of Directors)
Any Company's Directors appointed to perform duties in more than
2 committees, sub-committees or working groups other than the
Board of Directors (but including No.2-8) shall receive meeting
allowances from only two committees
The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall receive additional 25%
and 12.5 % of monthly remuneration and meeting allowances,
2.2 Directors' Bonus for year 2009
- Directors shall receive 170,350 Baht per person
- Chairman shall receive additional 25% of
the Directors' Bonus
- Vice Chairman shall receive additional 12.5% of
the Directors' Bonus
The bonus payout shall be proportional to each
Director's length of tenure.
2.3 Directors' Bonus for year 2010
Bonus for the Company's Directors in 2010
Not more than 0.25% of the net profit and not
Directors' Bonus
more than 500,000 Baht/ Director
In case that MCOT receives less than 3.00 points in the state
enterprise performance measurement, the bonus for Directors will be
adjusted as follows:
Less than 3.00 but not less than 2.50 points: the bonus for
Directors shall be reduced by 25%/Director
Less than 2.50 but not less than 2.00 points: the bonus for
Directors shall be reduced by 50%/Director
Sincerely yours,
(Mr. Thanachai Wongthongsri)
Vice President
Company Secretary Office
MCOT Public Company Limited
Authorized to sign on behalf of the company
Company Secretary Office
Tel. 0 2201 6388, 02 201 6454
Fax 0 2245 1854