08 มีนาคม 2548
MD&A FOR 1/10/04-31/12/04 (RECTIFICATION)
With regard to the Company report on 28 February 2004 on the Management s
Discussion and Analysis of the Company s Operating Results based on the
Financial Statements for the period between October 1- December 31, 2004,
there is some typing error and the Company would like to rectify as follows:
1. The Company Operating Revenues for Oct- Dec 04 is the same, which is 823
million Baht.
2. The television revenues for Oct- Dec 04 is rectified from 519 million Baht
to 517 million Baht due to the change in the television project income from
153 million Baht to 151 million Baht
3. The radio revenues for Oct- Dec 04 is rectified from 117 million Baht to
119 million Baht due to the change in the radio project income from 15 million
Baht to 17 million Baht