28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550

Announce the AGM 2550 and devidend payment

Ref: MCOT/ 6124/435 February 27, 2007 The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attn: The President Re: Resolutions of the Board of Directors Meeting No.2 /2007 of MCOT Public Company Limited Dear Madame, We,MCOT Public Company Limited, have organized a meeting of the Board of Directors No. 2/2007 on February 27,2007 at 15.00 hours at the Meeting Room,6th Floor, MCOT Broadcasting Operations Building, 63/1 Rama IX Road, Huay Kwang Sub-District, Huay Kwang District, Bangkok 10310. The Meeting resolved as follows: 1. Approved the balance sheets and statement of income of 2006 ended December 31,2006. 2. Approved the schedule of the 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders on April 26, 2007 at 13.30 hours at Studio 1, Television Station Building, MCOT Public Company Limited, 63/1 Rama IX Rd., Huay Kwang Subdistrict/District, Bangkok 10310. The Meeting s agenda is as follows: Agenda 1: Report from the Chairman Agenda 2: To certify the minutes of 2.1The amendment of the 2006 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on April 21, 2006 2.2The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2006 on October 26,2006 Agenda 3: To acknowledge the report on the Company s operating results in 2006 (for the period between January 1, December 31, 2006) Agenda 4: To consider for approval of the Company s balance sheet and statement of profit and loss for the period ended December 31, 2006 Agenda 5: To acknowledge the payment of interim dividend Agenda 6: To consider for approval of the appropriation of the Company s annual net profit and the payment of dividend for the year 2006 (for the period between January 1, - December 31, 2006) Agenda 7: To acknowledge the resignation by rotation of the Company s directors and the appointment of replacement directors Agenda 8: To consider for approval of the determination of remunerations of the Company s directors Agenda 9: To acknowledge the appointment of the Company s Auditor and the determination of audit fee for the year 2007 Agenda 10: Others (if any) 3. Approved the appropriation of the Company s net profit of Baht 13,463,966 to legal reserve. 4. Certified the payment of 73 % of net profit or a Baht-1.60-per-share dividend for the period between January 1 - December 31,2006(a Baht 0.80-per-share interim dividend has been paid on September 5, 2006 for the operating result of the period between January 1 - June 30 2006 ) The payment of a Baht-0.80-per-share dividend to be made for the period between July 1, - December 31,2006 scheduled for May 23,2007 will be proposed to the 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders. 5. Assigned Mr.Charnchai Soontharamut,Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Independent Director, as a proxy to vote on behalf of shareholders who cannot attend the Meeting. 6. Certified the closing date of the shareholders registration book on April 5,2007 at 12.00 hours for the rights to attend the 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders and to receive the dividend. 7. Certified the appointment of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) as the Company s Auditor and the determination of Baht 1.5 million audit fees for the year 2007. 8. To acknowledge the payment in full of Baht-10-million-short-term loan made by the Company s subsidiary, Panorama Worldwide Company Limited. In addition, the Board of Directors Meeting No. 1/2007 on January 31, 2007 has resolved as follows: 1. Assigned the Nomination Committee to nominate qualified persons to be appointed as replacement directors and propose to the 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders.The directors who resign by rotation from the directorship are as follows: 1. Mr.Sanguan Tiyapaiboonsin 2. Asst.Prof.Dr.Wittayatorn Tokeaw 3. Asst.Prof.Dr.Wilasinee Phiphitkul 2.Assigned the Compensation Committee to determine the 2006 remunerations of the Company s directors and propose to the 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders. Sincerely yours, (Mr. Polchai Vinijchaikul) Acting Vice President Legal Affairs and the Company s Secretary Office MCOT Public Company Limited Investor Relations Department Tel. 0 2201 6388, 02 201 6454 Fax 0 2245 1854