29 พฤศจิกายน 2553

Additional information on contract between MCOT Plc. and IEC International Plc.

Referring to a report by MCOT Public Company Limited (MCOT) on the contract signing on Digital Mobile TV with IEC International Plc. (IEC) on November 25, 2010, we would like to provide you with additional information as follows: The Digital Mobile TV business involves the use of signals owned by MCOT Plc. to provide Digital Mobile TV service. The high-definition broadcast, known as Digital TV, is a technology that allows easy and rapid access to viewers via a UHF frequency and includes such hand-held devices as mobile phones and TVs installed in cars and houses. The service is a stand-alone digital broadcasting system and does not go through any mobile operators. MCOT has hired IEC to take charge of marketing and broadcast engineering services in for Bangkok Metropolitan and outlying areas. ______________________________________________________________________